Monday, February 02, 2009

Name and Shame (Part I)

In the spirit of Getting Things Done, here is a list of unfinished craft projects sitting around my house:

one cardigan
one pair socks
one hat
one tea towel
Three skirts
One bath robe
One set kitchen towels
One net bag
One felted clutch

Some of these projects have been sitting around FOR A VERY LONG TIME (in one case, a decade). But on the other hand, since starting my Getting Things Done campaign (more on that later) wih the New Year, I have finished a blouse, a scarf, and a hat. That counts for something, right? right?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stray from the Path 2.0

My first post was written in 2006 and hey! Happy New Year! it's now 2009. Let's give this a second chance, shall we? I'll still be writing about the same bits and pieces, I'm just two years wiser. And now I have a goal! I'm working on completing a portfolio for MFA applications. Maybe posting my progress here will motivate (shame) me enough that I complete things.